DISCLAIMER: This is directed at a fellow Christian I had an issue with regarding an Internal doctrine / theological issue, this is not a commentary on "religion" in general, nor a commentary regarding any other religion. ANYBODY who comes to me with stupid arse statements or unfounded accusations on this article, I will ban your IP address with a quickness. So if religious discussions or the Bible offend you, you might want to excuse yourself from this discussion.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program...
Religious Clown of the Month: Stuffed Animal, from E-blogger: Here is the clown’s blog: http://christthegaymartyr.blogspot.com/
Now, Normally, I don’t do this, calling out someone by name, but since this guy 1. Chose to doctor up a post I made to his blog to create a straw man to argue with and; 2. Wasn’t man enough to e-mail straight out as I requested, let me put this out there for him and anybody like his arse.
Some background, Stuffed Animal is a homosexual male professing to be a follower of Christ. That in itself I really don’t have an opinion on, as far as I am concerned, that is between Him and Jesus. The reason I qualify what I am about to write regarding him is that I don’t want anyone getting the impression my bone to pick with this imbecile is that he is “gay”. Nope, not at all. What I do have a problem with is this buffoon’s outlook on the Bible.
Over at a blogspace I visit from time to time I made a comment about the King James Bible in response to some pseudo deep jail philosophy type who went on a rant about the KJV and how untrustworthy it is, etc. etc. Of which I replied:
“First off, people need to get off that “King James” this “King James” that drama. The KJV is a legitimate version of the scriptures varying very little than the Vulgate or the Ethiopic version of the Bible (aside from canonical choices), thematically, the KJV is an adequate translation of the Hebrew Tanakh and the Greek and Aramaic New Testament writings.”
Simple enough statement no where did I say "Perfect", I said "Legitimate" and "Adequate", this clown returns with:
“Anybody who says the King James Version of the Bible is "adequate" and "legitimate" cannot back up those statements. No original source documents for the Bible survive, and the copies that do survive have been corrupted over centuries by human error, inexact translation and selective editing.”
Let me clarify where the problem is in this statement: "and the copies that do survive have been corrupted over centuries by human error" How does he know this, and what proof of this can he present?
Further, why state this as fact when it clearly cannot be substantiated? My problem with Christians like this, who make arguments against the “legitimacy” or “authority” of accepted canonical versions of scripture, is that they do a disservice to the gospel putting forward disinformation. Its bad enough when a non-Christian does this, but a supposed believer?
He claims that his religion is about God. That’s great, I believe that all Christians first and foremost should predicate their relationship with Christ in their walk in life. HOWEVER, what I am sick of is this tired drivel: “True Christians worship God, Not the Bible” .
O.K., let me first point out the irony on a admittedly “gay” Christian trying to define a “True” Christian. Not that he isn’t a “True” Christian, but ya’d think that a “gay” Christian might be a little less quick to jump to who a “True” Christian is based on their own persecution and people saying they aren’t “true” Christians? Let me clarify this and make it plain: Its like he is saying, "Accept my gayness as TRUE in Christianity, but you people who believe the BIBLE is authoritive, I don't know if ya'll REAL and TRUE Christians." That is a ridicules statement, sophmoric and inane.
Anyway, to the point: The problem with his statement is that in his case it stems from his feelings of rejection from the Church, so I can understand where he is coming from. Because some scriptures are used to condemn his lifestyle by some Christians, he projects, and instead of using plain hermeneutic principles and biblical exegesis to posit his doctrine within scripture, he uses the cop out that SCRIPTURE must be wrong.
When called on this, he then claims to focus on “God” and not the “Bible”. Well Stuffed Animal, where did you learn about Christ? From a Bible? Or did God come visit you personally and reiterate the tale of Jesus’ miraculous birth, commissioning of the Apostles, healing and deliverance ministry, His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection? If he did, please tell us of any details that scripture left out (insert sarcasm please).
The fact is simple, you AS A CHRISTIAN can’t pick and choose what you wish to accept from scripture and reject the authority and integrity of scripture, that is, if you profess to be a Christian as this fellow does.
He is what I call an “UNBELIEVING BELIEVER” one of those “I Believe in the Bible BUT…" people.Now, Regarding the Bible, The authenticity of the Bible has been debated and still is debated on both sides of the issue by some of the worlds most gifted and most educated philosophers, theologians, historians, scholars and archeologist, I'm not trying to rehash all that.
I will state WHAT THE BIBLE IS from my study and understanding, it is a book of Law, History, Wisdom and Prophecy. In its pages you will see mankind at our best and mankind at our worst, in that, the Bible is a reflection of the reality we live. The Bible has the earliest and most accurate accounts of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Bible records the commandments that we as BELIEVERS are to follow. The Bible documents the history of the people of Israel and the Church, and in its pages we find the pattern of ministry in JESUS, who also gives us our pattern of living.
WHAT THE BIBLE IS NOT (or should not be at least to one who professes Christ at least) is a book of suggestions. The Bible is not a book of fabrications attempting to re-paint the lives of the Patriarch, the Prophets, Priest, Kings and Apostles without showing their flaws as well as their strengths. As for we who call ourselves BELIEVERS, yet who reject scripture in any point that offends our personal convictions, fact is, our lifestyles are to line up with Scripture, Scripture is not written to line up with our lifestyles. Simple as that.
Now again, Stuffed Animal, if you are a Christian, make your case within the confines of scripture, exegetically, otherwise, shut the hell up. You do more harm than good regarding the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, by trashing the scriptures, now unless THAT is your intention, I pray you desist.
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