Wow, these topics have caused me to lose friends on the left and the right in recent days. Which is why I have a problem with the false dichotomy of "Left" and "Right" or "Liberal" and "Conservatives". To limit thought to two socio-economic extremes is inane in my observation and flies in the face of reality.
I have had my Christianity questioned, my loyalty and service to this nation questioned, because I blame both the GOP and the Democrats for whatever bad happens because of this new health care legislation, and would have to blame the Democrats alone if things actually go well.
I do blame the GOP MORE because had they done something about the
systemic problems underlying in the health care industry when they had
control over the executive and legislative branches of government we
wouldn't be here right now, but as with BANKS and other FINANCIAL
SERVICES COMPANIES, Health care FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANIES have been allowed to run buckshot to the point that
coupled with the current financial fiasco we have going, COVER has been
provided for this particular money grab. I expect the CONSERVATIVE party
to at least have had some better foresight.
I call it a money grab because I believe that the people who control the money in our country, aren't letting go of this cash cow (Health Care) at all now, if ever. There will be a few big HMO's that weather the storm like the Big Banks that are weathering the Financial Storm now. And whoever owns the stock of those corporations will win in the long run.
I have been called a socialist and a Marxist because I believe that we should have a degree of universal health coverage in our nation for our citizens.
To my conservative friends: "Please answer, are the UK, Canada, Germany or even Australia "Marxist / Soviet " because they have health care coverage for all their citizens? If they can have functioning democracies with such "socialistic" ideas like Universal Health Care, why can't we?" Looking forward to your thoughts.
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