We are ending the “pre-season” for the GOP candidates for the presidency, and now the front runners have lined up.
First, let’s say good bye to Herman Cain, yes and early sweetheart for the Tea Party and the GOP. I was beginning to believe he would actually end up becoming the GOP nominee. Why? Because he was (and still is) to perfect front man to hide their often times at the least racial charged criticisms of the President behind. Basically, you can say whatever you want about the Black president if a Black man is the one saying it. He provided great cover, simple as that. And I believe he still will. Was he ever a “good candidate” is my question? What exactly did he bring to the table? I don’t know. Some Tea Partiers and GOP members equate success in business with being a good leader of the United States? I believe treating our government as if it were just a “business” to be run is actually part of the overall problem we have now. BUT, I digress…
Michelle Bachmann, what is left to say? I was amazed that the Tea Party rallied around her in the first place….well I guess I should not have been surprised; this movement was so rabid about getting rid of President Obama I believe they would have supported Sponge Bob as long as he said “Say no to Big Government”! She, like I, is a Christian, and I do have to admit the media on the left gave her hell for some very foundational Christian beliefs, but other than that, she got a lot of criticism that she deserved. Another one of those just say anything right wingers and not THINK about what the real issues this country faces are. She is still in the mix, but I am sure she will be gone soon (thank God).
Jon Huntsman, like Romney I will say that he is unelectable by the evangelical right because he is a Mormon (sorry to be so harsh, but that’s the hard truth). However, I will say this, he is the most reasonable of the candidates and in a normal non Bizarro universe, he should be and would be the front runner.
Ron Paul? Just not gonna happen, and thank God it won’t, I am not a fan of “libertarians” or their ideology.
Mitt Romney? Not much to say here, dude is the Mormon equivalent of Tracy Flick from the 1999 movie “Election”.
Newt Gingrich? When Newt Gingrich is the most credible person in a room, you really have problems. His suggestion that child labor laws should be changed so that 9 year olds can work as Janitors in Elementary schools was a big hit with his base though, which is scary in and of itself. More stupid ideas to come.
Overall, the fact that the International Banking system tanked the economy while a few very Rich People got RICHER seems to elude the whole RIGHT WING. Their solutions? More WELFARE REFORM? Giving 9 years olds Janitorial Jobs in schools? It would be funny if it weren't so inane.
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