Hello my peoples, sorry I have been an absentee blogger for the past 2 weeks or so, however I have had a little hiccup in the game of life that we are dealing with, as well I have been writing a thesis and it has taken a bit of my time (to make it worse some fool stole my lap top).
Since I have missed some interesting topics over the past 16 days or so, I thought I’d share my thoughts on a few random things:
Hater of the Month: Andrew Young:
You all know how I generally feel about the “usual suspects” in the civil rights hustle movement. Holding on to the tired “march / pray / sing kumbya” model of action, still trying to play checkers when the game is now clearly chess. But Andrew Young took it to a whole new level. With his silly attempt to be a comedian, talking about how Barak Obama should run in “2016” because he is “too young” to run for president, yada, yada. Utterly inane.
JFK was younger, and damn, maybe that’s what this country needs some young blood in the White House? Obviously, Young is dedicated to the Democratic machine, and that’s his prerogative, and obviously this causes a problem because Barak is the first African American running who stands a snowballs chance in Muspelheim of winning and a civil rights icon (one of many) can’t support him because of their Party loyalties to the Clintons.
Just man up and say that Mr. Young, if you had, I might still have some respect for you. What’s really sad, is I haven’t decided who I will vote for, but Hillary and her kindergarten comments has really made it clear to me it won’t be her, Mr. Young only solidified my position.
Green Dot Schools in Los Angeles:
I got mixed feelings on this one. I think the public school system in most major metropolitan urban areas are fiefdoms of some seriously corrupt individuals (i.e. Chicago Public Schools), but I am not one to trust the free market with certain things Tovarisch (schools, medical insurance, prisons, etc).
There has to be some uniformity in curriculums (at least a common standard), and money needs to be utilized in the right places, but again, I am not sure charter schools are the answer. Thoughts on this folks?
President Bush and Iran:
Again, you were wrong, admit it, man up a bit, sheesh. Sure, I think Iran is dangerous, but your administration has undermined the credibility of the United States of America with you pointless posturing.
Justice Society of America issue 11 (kinda spoilers warning):
Oustanding. Power Girl needs family, I hope that Superman (Kingdom Come) can be the surrogate family she needs. However, I am curious to how he got in the regular DC universe. Could he be working WITH Prime? Stay tuned…
Season Finale of DEXTER (warning, REAL Spoilers):
Doakes got blown up! And Laila (Dexter’s psycho ex girlfriend) did the dead. She goes down to that cabin in the everglades were Doakes is being held, Doakes gets excited about being freed, he makes the mistake of saying that Dexter has him captive, Laila tells him Dexter is her soul mate and decides to kill Doakes! Anyway, this really sets up Doakes as the Bay Harbor killer (since there is a body of a drug dealer that Dexter killed in the Cabin as well).
Dexter decides that Laila has to be killed, but Laila finds out and tries to kill Dexter and his current girlfriend Rita’s children! Dex and the kids escape, Laila escapes to Paris, however, Dexter catches up to her and puts a knife in her chest. Happy Ending!
BTW, I’ll be on NPR News and Notes again Wednesday December 19th, check us out.
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