Marvel basically is kicking DC’s butt on the big screen and with the 1st season of Daredevil on Netflix, Marvel has passed up everything DC has done on TV with the possible exception of the great work on the Flash. How did we even get to this point?
DC took the lead early with film with the Christopher Reeve’s Superman and Superman II. Then of course the Tim Burton Batman and Batman Returns with Michael Keaton. Marvel struggled with some bad TV movies and some stupid licensing decisions, with the exception of the Wesley Snipes produced “Blade.” Then Spiderman and the X-Men, though not Marvel produced, brought the superhero movie game to a new level. DC did very well with the Christian Bale “Batman” run for the most part, but failed in their Superman revamps, and Man of Steel was mediocre. Now before Superman, Marvel released Iron Man and that changed everything.
DC did this to themselves by not see the writing on the wall Iron Man should have been a wakeup call especially with all the Easter eggs showing that they were going to tie this into a larger Marvel Universe, Marvel simply planned this out entirely too well, unlike allowing Hollywood to basically tamper with these legends and alienate comic fans in many cases they played to the comic fans yet told stories that a person who may not be a comic fan could actually enjoy involving their franchise characters, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and the Hulk. Now DC is playing a game with catch up yet at the same time still trying to hold on to their paradigm of superhero movie making, and to top it off trying to do too much in one movie to catch up for years of miss steps. The saddest part about the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie is apparently the best thing about it is going to be Ben Affleck as Batman. Maybe I'm wrong but I think this film is going to fall short. Also DC being so dedicated to the idea of their Cinematic Universe not mixing with their television universe is also going to hurt them I don't think they have the time to be able to even get to a Justice League dark movie to link multiverses together in some type of crisis fashion, hopefully I am wrong.