Why Karen Lewis and Bobby Rush need to SIT DOWN and SHUT UP…Two different situations, but similar in how that race is brought up as a distraction instead of dealing with the REAL PROBLEM.
Case 1, Bobby Rush. I respect what the he has done for the African American community over the years; but when Senator Mark Kirk said that a certain Chicago Street Gang needed to be targeted for criminal investigation by the F.B. I., this is something that Bobby took exception to. Saying stuff like: ‘elitist white boy solution.” Now Mr. Rush eventually made peace with Senator Kirk, but what Rush said was ridicules prima facie. Especially with what is going on in Chicago right now, anything that gets these young criminals off the streets of Chicago is better for the young people out there trying to live their lives and do something for themselves. Mr. Rush needs to understand that having a knee jerk reaction to whenever someone White addresses Crime in the Black Community of defaulting to “race” is bottom line ridicules. Which leads me to Karen Lewis….
….Now don’t get me wrong, I understand people are upset about school closings, however; and I won’t begin to assert I know how to fix that problem in Chicago Public Schools, but saying things like: “When will we address the fact that rich white people think they know what’s in the best interest of children of African-Americans and Latinos, no matter what the parents’ income or education level?” Really Karen? I think that the communities you are talking about have more issues more central to the problem than “Rich White People?”
And therein is the common issue, making the false dichotomy between “racism” and the problems that these Communities have to work out for themselves with the help of the greater community regardless of color.
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