Geoff Johns strikes again. I love his writing, miss him on JSA (even though his ending for Black Adam left me at least a bit miffed), so I was looking forward to this Blackest Night Green Lantern crossover story. It is a bit disturbing, in a similar way I was disturbed by Marvel Zombies.
Here's the story thus far: BLACK HAND (former cheesey Green Lantern villain) is all of a sudden a very bad death obsessed guy. His back story has been retooled to make him like a kid from HBO's "Six Feet Under" miniseries with a little Thanos thrown in for good measure. Unlike Thanos who killed his own mom, Black Hand kills his whole family. Now that this has been established, the Black Rings start to coming (Will there be White Lanterns? Goes to reason).
Anyway, we go around the DC universe where everyone is mourning people that have been lost over the years, heros and villains alike, then Alfred notices that Bruce Wayne's grave has been robbed, we later find that Black Hand is walking around with Bruce's skull (which indicates to me not only will Batman come back, but somehow this mere human will kick the crap out of Black Hand and all the Black Lanterns, which in not only believeable but quite possible because...well...he's BATMAN!)
A reanimated Sue and Ralph Dibney kill Hawkman and Hawkgirl, a reanimated Jonn Jonn'z confronts Hal Jordan and Barry Allen, and whole lot of reanimated Green lanterns get ready to confront the GL corps.
Prior to these events, that one Guardian that got burned by the anti-monitor back in the Sinestro War goes all Marvel Zombie and bites a Guardian and rips out its heart, and just works over and apparently kills the rest of the Guardians which takes them off the board for this crisis. (Is it me or are the Guardians just the stupidest cosmic types this side of the Champion over at Marvel?)
So the question comes, who saves this day THIS time? Since unlike Marvel Zombies this happens in the main universe not an alternate reality somebody is going to have to save the day.
Aside from Batman, we know the Spectre will somehow be minimized since it can't be THAT easy (though it should). Superman doesn't do too well in these situations. The new Dr. Fate is too inexperienced especially with no Nabu. The wizard SHAZAM is back, but apparently half crazy and completely stupid. Who even understands what's going on with the so-called "new" NEW gods? Seems like every colored ring is useless. Oughta be interesting. If anyone other than Johns was writing this I'd wait for the trade, but I will keep up with this main event. BTW, I think the villian behind this is NEKRON.
I thought "Blackest Night", like all GL-related stuff lately, was pretty awesome.
About White Lanterns, here's what I predict:
1) White light is what you get when you combine all seven colors of the spectrum.
2) In the last couple years, Hal Jordan has briefly wielded the powers of the yellow, red, blue, and orange lights.
3) Over the course of "Blackest Night", Hal will wield the indigo and purple lights, and will become White Lantern and save the day.
And Nekron is totally the Big Bad. There's no way he's not involved.
Posted by: Will Staples | 23 July 2009 at 04:37 PM