...but why am I NOT surprised. First let me state, that I am not in opposition to interracial relationships (even though I don't subscribe to the science fiction of race, as there is really no such thing, I do acknowledge that I live in a world were the sociological construct of race is real and something I must accept in m,y day to day functions in this reality). Love is love, you find it where you do, and you embrace it while you can I say. Here is a LINK to a Story regarding the issue. After all these years though, I am GLAD that Disney is showing a Black Princess.
That being said, what the hell is up with Disney's selection of a non-Black prince for the "Frog Princess Movie" which finally stars a Black princess? I was a bit miffed at Disney's “Cinderella” with Whitney Houston and Brandy where the prince was Asian. Sure, no problem with interracial relationships, but can we show some regular ole BLACK ones before we get there? And before anyone goes off on me, I said the same thing to the people at Marvel Comics back when Luke Cage (Power-man) got paired with Jessica Jones (white female super hero) and when DC Comics had John Stewart (the Black GREEN LANTERN) with Hawkwoman (another White female super hero).
Sure, Hollywood types claim that if you have a Black protagonist with a Black love interest you have a (gasp) "Black Movie". Was Mulan considered an "Asian" movie, thereby a movie that "White" people wouldn't go see because both she and her love interest were Asian?
Was Aladdin considered an "Arab" movie thereby a movie that "White" people wouldn't go see because both Jazmin and Aladdin were Arab?
The fact that this "it would be a BLACK movie" is offered as a defense for Disney not having a Black prince for their first Black princess is only more telling of the problem, the fact that the media and entertainment industries have some type of irrational fear of showing Black people in a love relationships. A sex one? No problem, a "Love" one, with an actually Black male who isn't a pimp, thug or gangsta and a Black female who isn't a crack whore needing to be rescued, single mom, etc., etc. Now to the more pressing question, WHY THE HELL WERE WE WAITING FOR DISNEY TO DO SOMETHING THAT A BLACK DIRECTOR, PRODUCER, etc. could have done A LONG TIME AGO?
Not naming any names Oprah, Denzel, Spike Lee, etc, etc., BUT why were we waiting for Disney to represent us in the first place? In any case, none of my four Black Princes will be watching that movie, for the same reason I never let them watch "Save the Last Dance" and movies of that ilk, I'd prefer that they see Black men honoring and respecting and loving Black women, until Hollywood can reflect that, I will generally avoid their "Black men chasing white women" / "Black women being rescued by non-Black men" productions...Thank God we have the real thing in the WHITE HOUSE , so maybe I'll give Disney a break...Naw..Just saying....
That was an excellent post and you are right! But don't we got the best, live and in color, what better show of Black love than the Obama's.
Posted by: Mizrepresent | 01 May 2009 at 01:55 PM
I believe that the start of this issue is when Disney started to film 'same race relationships/pairings in their movies' and deviated on the Cinderella. Although no offense to Disney because I love all of their movies.
Happiness is a second emotion after LOVE.
Posted by: Local Free Chat Line | 08 July 2009 at 09:29 PM
You are dead on doode!!! Its amazing how they have no problem showing same-race relationships when the stories take place outside of our norm and borders (Mulan, Aladdin, so on) but when it comes other scenarios, it seems they only pick or create stories where the woman is a minority, a so-called Native American or Black American, and the "hero" is from another persuasion. Though Pocahontas was based on a real story, I'm sure there were plenty of others who helped to make America what it is that married within their race. Interracial marriage isn't a necessary evil or n*e*thing, but come on hollywood! Why are we constantly portrayed in the way you mentioned, DJ???
Posted by: Le | 01 November 2009 at 11:48 AM
I really like this blog, you are very good making them. I say that the issue discussed in this blog is quite interesting and of high quality.
Posted by: Buy Meds Online | 27 November 2009 at 08:32 AM
As a black woman I must say that I am very disappointed with and deeply offended by Disney’s new “black” princess. The quotation marks because she does not look “black.” Since when are slightly cocoa women with ideal caucasian features “black?” Racist Disney does not want to acknowledge the true ethnic appearance of a black woman. Where are her big, thick lips and wooly hair? Why is she dressed all up like some kind of rich white girl? How come her true ethnic background is not acknowledged? Where is her leopard-print mini-dress and gaudy jewelry? Hell, why isn’t she a true, lovely African princess wearing a grass skirt, garish facepaint and a big plate in her lip? How come she does not live in a mud hut and eat bugs? And her man!!?? Where is his black skin? What is Disney trying to tell my young daughters? That a black man isn’t who she should be with? Why is he WHITE!? I WILL NOT allow my daughters to see this film.
Posted by: Lakeisha | 29 November 2009 at 02:14 AM