Coming off the heals of the “Secret Invasion” story line, Marvel (keeping up with DC) has come up with yet another unnecessary but very profitable mega company crossover event: “Dark Reign”. After the Skrulls have been defeated, of course mostly because of Thor, for some odd reason, ignoring the many years of good service for the Marvel Universe the Avengers and Iron Man have done, Tony Stark gets fired from SHIELD and someone who has killed Gwen Stacey, other innocent people, and has tried to kill Spiderman for the last 30 plus years: “Harry Osborn AKA The Green Goblin” is now put in charge of Global Security and all Avengers franchisees?
This presupposition is already bad enough but wait there’s MORE! The Green Goblin, who gets his butt kicked by Spiderman frequently, punks the collective likes of Dr. Doom, Loki, The Sub-Mariner, the White Queen and the Red Hood and demands they “Get in line”?
Even if he had Thanos as back up, he’d still be in trouble dealing with DOOM alone. We’ll see if this gets any better…
Sucks so much, I can’t even read it for free at the Comic Shop…
Has been Great, Gog has finally showed his true colors and turned against the heros for not “worshipping” him. He did some pretty cruels stuff to those guys, it will be interesting to see what happens with this “Third World” god since I guess the “Fifth World” gods have arrived in “Final Crisis”.
Looks like next issue Earth 22 (Kingdom Come) Superman is heading home, unfortunately for the JSA, because in a few weeks BLACK ADAM returns, and a not too happy Black Adam at that. I can only hope the character is written properly by Johns and doesn’t kill any Teen Titans or countries for this run….
Still good, last issue was a throwaway though, Nova hanging out with Justice and Firestar reminiscing about the days of actually GOOD STORIES THAT WEREN’T MEGA COMPANY CROSS OVERS….anyway, the Nova Corps seems here to stay, wonder how this will tie into Dark reign and War of King, speaking of...
I enjoyed the X-Men for the first time in since Clairemont, Byrne and Austin with the Vulcan storyline from Uncanny X-Men, Seeing Gladiator from the Imperial Guard getting a beat down is always refreshing.
This storyline has given me much respect for the characters of Havoc and Polaris and even for Rachel Grey as Phoenix.
Well it looks like Vulcan’s activities in the Shiar Empire will finally be noticed by the rest of the Marvel universe (as the Shair didn’t notice that Annihilation story line or the Phalanx Story line).
Hopefully Vulcan gets the beat down HE deserves in the next few months (looks like by Black Bolt or Nova, Black Bolt deserves some redemption...)