That’s a good one!Richard Graves - Dj Black Adam
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That’s a good one!Posted at 05:33 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
By: Richard Graves aka DJ Black Adam of House 17, NFP
Now, back to what’s really important in life. COMICS. Recently Marvel and DC both decided to reboot their universes. It is the first time Marvel has actually done this, whereas DC started this trend back in the 1985 Crisis of Infinite Earths. COIE is a classic, it did tick off a few of the old golden age fans, and some silver age fans too, but it was a genuine attempt to get some serious continuity in the DC Universe, it took a few more years, but ultimately DC ended up with a pretty good order, that they kinda screwed up with “Infinite Crisis” but that is another rant for a different post.
To the subjects at hand, Marvel Comic’s new “Secret Wars” and DC Comic’s “Convergence.” Let’s talk Marvel first.
I have been reading the three Avengers titles that led directly to this change. I knew ultimately it would be the 616 (Regular) Marvel Universe verse the 1610 (Ultimate) Marvel Universe. Marvel systematically had their multiverse destroyed by the Beyonders (parents and such of the Beyonder from the original Secret Wars series of 1984.) While it seems quite implausible that these “Beyonders” could kill Galactus, the Celestials, Lord Order and Master Chaos, Eternity and most unbelievably the Living Tribunal. It is fascinating that of all the heroes fighting against this end, it is Doctor Doom who really brought the thunder to the Beyonders, albeit unsuccessfully, but Doom was the last man standing in a sense.
Warning, metaphysical / theological rant: Here is something I found interesting. It is as if the Beyonders represent the creators or elders of Marvel; Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, Jim Shooter, etc all the way up to the new editorial and creative teams. The whole Avengers storyline was like a lead up to the creative decision to reboot the Marvel universe as it manifested in the comics themselves. Who else could kill off the Living Tribunal but the people who created him? And who else in their creation, the Marvel Universe would dare stand against them, but Doom? (OK, yeah Hyperion and Thor did too, but with Thor that is to be expected, he wouldn’t be going out like no punk.)That would make the kid Beyonder in the original series more akin to the fans, playing with the Marvel Universe. But I digress, just speculating.
To the review of Issue 2 of Secret Wars. Issue 1 was somewhat uneventful. We knew it was wrap, but seeing Doom’s final stand and Ultimate Stark and Shield against the 616 was entertaining, albeit went by too fast and could have been expanded a tad bit. The first thing Stark recognized, that in the Superhero department, the 1610 was well outclassed, but the tech of the 1610 gave them some sort of chance.
Issue 2 is about the Thor Corps, and I mean A LOT of Thors, this is more than Beta Ray Bill, Dargo and Thunderstrike. We see some Thors from some “What Ifs” and other alternate timeline stories and some regular 616 stories on the cover. For example, we see Thor girl (Tarene), Storm as a Thor with her hammer Stormbringer, Beta Ray Bill and the female Thor as well as old King Thor. But when we get into the book, we see that this might not actually be the case.
It is sorta like a Green Lantern Corps thing with all kinds of folks from different realms being chosen worthy for a Hammer (i.e. ring) and Doom kinda like a Oan Guardian, but on this world, Doom is God (and apparently married to Sue Storm.) The most recent one to acquire a hammer is some elf kid from what was Avalon (yeah home of the Captain Britain Corps.)
We find out that Doom runs this world, Doctor Strange is the Sheriff, Valeria Richards is some sort of Science council leader. We see Apocalypse, Madelyn Pryor, Mr. Sinister and others, all with lands but subject to Doom (I am actually glad to see this, because of all those damn X men stories like Age of Apocalypse, House of M, etc. where their baddies always punk Doom and all other non mutants.)
Ultimately this chapter ends with the Cabal and the 1610 maker/Reed Richards getting off a life raft (as they apparently survived the implosion of creation in issue one) and effectively the Cabal led by Thanos kill one of the Thors. They then are told they are on Battleworld and we get a map of all the lands on it. I might stick the series out.
Convergence 6. OK, I bought the first 4 issues of this series and was sorely disappointed. Got a couple of companions I appreciated, particularly the one with Captain Marvel and the Marvel family and the Flash one, both were entertaining. I skipped issue 5, because it was in my opinion just stupid and looked like the series was gonna fizzle out just like the “Forever Evil” did. But just like Forever Evil, looks like it was just a lull. Now, I am miffed at DC because of the 52 re-launch, while the reboots of Superman and the Justice League were interesting, Earth 2 was the best thing that came from it. To me they seemed to just destroy that planet without utilizing the characters more and just telling some good stories instead of everything being a “cosmic” level event. But, alas, it was not to be.
While issue one was decent, we find that Brainiac has gathered many of the heroes and villains of the various stages of DC’s history, from alternate earths and timelines, placed them on a world in different cities and for some odd reason want to see them fight to the death. At first I assumed that this included the New 52 universe, so of course my first question was where the hell was the Spectre, the Guardians, the New gods, etc., anyone who would have kicked a hole into Braniac’s head. But alas, no show. We see that the Earth 2 heroes have survived (some of them, no Powergirl, Huntress Mr. Terrific or Dr. Fate) and are fighting who we think the bad guy is, Telos. Telos is the planet, created by Brainiac (or terraformed) and as the issues go we find that inside the world of Telos is Warlord’s home Skataris. Deimos ultimately supplants Brainiac as the “Villain” in the next few issues, after snatching all the time travelers (i.e. Degaton, Monarch, etc.) Telos eventually retreats and the game now becomes who supports Deimos (and those who don’t.)
Now to issue 6, why the Spectre or the Guardians or anyone else hasn’t intervened is shown, as we see the new 52 Justice League and Red Lanterns, looking at the Telos world as it starts pushing into their universe. You see the last Monitor, the Oan Guardians and Darksied for various reasons deciding not to intervene, Darksied saying that he really isn’t concerned about these events.
We see Deimos then repeating his offer “serve me and survive” to all the people kidnapped from across the history of DC Multiverses, they show the Earth 2 Crew (with Val Zod Superman, who I am liking more and more), Earth 3 Crime syndicate (looks like the 80’s version) Pre Crisis Supergirl and for some odd reason Deimos hasn’t realized that there is a Parallax style Hal Jordan (who obviously has enough juice to stomp Deimos or at least make him have a bad day.)
Obviously Deimos has stepped up his game, since he is keeping even Parallax Jordan from beating him down at the moment, not to mention it appears that there is a Kingdom Come Superman and perhaps a Silver age Superman on this planet.
Earth 2 heroes meet some pre new 52 Teen Titans (minus Nightwing, since we have Earth 2 Dick Grayson playing “Batman” around, no need for Nightwing to be around.) They help them fight the Extremists who run when another Superman, Flash and Red Arrow show up. This Superman is not pre 52 Superman as he says he has a wife and son, so I am not sure what version he is. The Flashes talk (The new young earth 2 Jay and a Flash that may be Wally) and they decide to round up everyone who will fight against Deimos.
So we get a powerful crew, You got a Superman (who I hope is Silver Age Superman, not the John Byrne reboot "I am not so powerful Superman", you will see why later.) We have a Supergirl that looks pre Crisis, which they will need and Val Zod Superman who could be gangsta if he ever just Zods up for a minute. You got a Batman in grey and blue, a few Flashes including Barry, Earth 2 Green Lantern (no not the Starheart, the new Earth 2 Green Lantern), Donna Troy, Ultra Boy, Starfire, Batgirl, Fastback (Yes from the Zoo Crew) and a few others. Then Deimos shows HIS crew, and it don’t look good for the heroes.
For some odd reason they are led by a Captain Marvel (SHAZAM) who seems to have the juvenile attitude of New 52 Billy Batson (which I can’t stand, DC just cannot seem to respect Billy, I really wish Marvel comics had gotten this license back in the day.) Why this Cap is evil, I speculate he is Kingdom Come Cap before the brainwashing of Lex Luthor was broken, but he definitely is not from Earth S, that’s for sure. To make it worse, you have a Black Adam (judging by his belt, from yet another universe). Flashpoint Wonder Woman, Superwoman from Earth 3 and looks like a Kingdom Come Wonder Woman. Bad enough huh? Nope. Damn Ultraman and Kingdom Come Superman (who we all know is powerful as hell by himself, which is why I hope that the Superman they have is a Silver Age one, pre Crisis Supergirl may not have enough power to roll on KC Supes.) Besides that you have Grodd, Jade for some odd reason a version of Huntress and Deathstroke and a version of Lex Luthor in the green and purple armor.
And we are left with a cliff hanger for the next issue.
Posted at 11:13 AM in Books, DC and Marvel and other media, I'm Just saying..., To My Peoples!!!, WWBAD? (What Would Black Adam Do?) | Permalink | Comments (0)
How to properly address the divide between the Black Community and Law enforcement
By: Richard Graves aka DJ Black Adam of House 17, NFP
Over the last couple of years, I have discussed these various cases regarding law enforcement and the assaults and killings of “unarmed Black men.” I have had these discussions on social media and in real time, with White people, Black people, community activists, police officers, etc. and these discussions have generally ended up going nowhere. Specifically because, no one is listening to anyone. Everyone gets caught up in their emotions and ignore looking at it from each other’s lenses or worldviews for the sake of being informed. That being said, a friend of mine linked me to an op ed piece in the May 9th, 2015 New York Times written by Orlando Patterson titled “The Real Problem With America’s Inner Cities.” The piece is well written. Patterson is a professor of sociology at Harvard, so this isn’t written lightly, it is very thought out. Following is my critique of the article and my own thoughts regarding the situations in Baltimore as well as the larger implications for the African American community in urban America.
Patterson begins with a very true predicate before going into the issue, that some have defined these current issues “solely in terms of insurgent American racism and violent police behavior.”[1] To which he states: “that is a gross oversimplification,”[2] a statement I agree with immensely. Patterson also states that saying their needs to be a “national conversation about race a national conversation on race is a cliché that evades the real problem we now face,”[3] which I again agree with. I do disagree a bit with how he defines the problem. He writes:
“on one hand, a vicious tangle of concentrated poverty, disconnected youth and a culture of violence among a small but destructive minority in the inner cities; and, on the other hand, of out-of-control law-enforcement practices abetted by a police culture that prioritizes racial profiling and violent constraint.”[4]
I agree with Patterson regarding how he characterizes the problems in the inner city, the problem with the police is a bit more intricate than “out of control law enforcement practices.”[5] The fact is, the police are part of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice system is one of the institutions of American society and as such reflect our society. The reality is that American society is predicated on the sociological and cultural foundation of White supremacy. Now, before people just shut their eyes to this actuality, let me explain what I mean by “White supremacy.” Does this mean that all White people are burning crosses and looking for a good ole fashioned lynching? Of course not. The reason the term “White Supremacy” is utilized is because the term “racism” is general and under appreciates the specifics of the problems in American society. George Fredrickson stated that “Although commonly used, the term “racism” has become a loaded and ambiguous term.”[6] The simple term “Racism” can and has been used to purport an equivalence between the reality of African Americans being prejudiced against White Americans, in contrast with the structured, purposed, systematic and institutionalized subjugation of African Americans by White Americans. Not only is this a false equivalence, but this false equivalence is often used to create a foundation for the intellectually fraudulent idea of “reverse racism”, or the more modern idea, that equality for groups beyond Whites (specifically White males) is somehow putting White people in the position of being “oppressed” in the United States. The concept of race, and specifically the idea of White Supremacy, has been utilized to oppress Americans who are descendants of the African Slaves. All Americans, even White Americans, have been adversely affected by this concept. Americans have adhered to this concept in varying degrees throughout American history, yet always in a subconscious foundational sociological way. This has profoundly influenced not only how we look at each other as American citizens, but how we view American history and modern American society. This is a reality, and this reality affects our modern society and is relevant in understanding the problems that we are having.
First, to lump up all these situations where police have shot unarmed Black men into one category is disingenuous. These are situations that have happened in various jurisdictions under varying circumstances. Some of these situations more than likely are justified, however; one situation of misconduct is enough for people to want meaningful change in the police departments that serve them. Dealing with this problem is very simple, and I am surprised no one has come to this conclusion. Law enforcement needs to be clear on the reality of the history of abuse of the Black community by police. The Black community needs to accept the actuality that policing has changed in a positive manner over the last thirty years at the very least because of law suits and black eyes over various departments because of misconduct. Misconduct in the form of police brutality makes genuine law enforcement harder for the majority of good police officers.
Patterson does clearly explain the other side of this equation as he puts succinctly: “First, we need a more realistic understanding of America’s inner cities. They are socially and culturally heterogeneous, and a great majority of residents are law-abiding, God-fearing and often socially conservative.”[7] From media the impression is given that inner city communities are full of Black thugs destroying their own communities. This is simply not the reality, but this portrayal helps in the fearmongering of various groups, law enforcement being one of those groups. So it is safe to say that the Black community views law enforcement through suspicious untrusting eyes and that law enforcement views the Black community in the same way. This is the basis of the problems we see manifested between law enforcement and the Black community, the lenses we view each other through.
Patterson makes very clear that the problem of the thug mentality represents a minority, a dangerous minority that terrorizes the people in the Black community more than anyone else. The community needs dependable and honorable law enforcement to deal with this minority. Patterson outlines how the Black community initially welcomed this help to deal with this criminal minority, however:
“Soon all black youth, not just the delinquent minority, were being profiled as criminals, all ghetto residents were being viewed and treated with disrespect and, increasingly, police tactics relied on the use of violence as a first resort.”[8]
Now we get past the hyperbole and to the actual problem. Here are some of the solutions Patterson proposes:
“On the police side of the crisis, there should be immediate implementation of the sensible recommendations of President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, including more community policing; making the use of violence a last resort; greater transparency and independent investigation of all police killings; an end to racial profiling; the use of body cameras; reduced use of the police in school disputes; and fundamental changes in officer training aimed at greater knowledge of, and respect for, inner-city neighborhoods.”[9]
Training is important, extensive training in the use of non-lethal force to contain and control situations would be very helpful. However President Obama’s Task Force deals with the police from the top down, and what Patterson fails to understand, is that administrators generally are only concerned with liability, lawsuits and politics and make policies that basically are window dressing. If the community really wants change here is what needs to happen as it begins on a local level.
These are some affective “hows” to facilitate the changes we need. Overall I found Patterson’s article informative and it did hit some very serious points in how we can deal with these problems with law enforcement and from within our Black community itself. I hope that my suggestions are taken by those in leadership within the Black community and the Fraternal Order of Police so that we can have some positive change.
[1] Orlando Patterson, “The Real Problem With America’s Inner Cities” New York Times, May 9, 2015, accessed May 12, 2015,
[2] Ibid
[3] Ibid
[4] Ibid
[5] Ibid
[6] Adam Budd, Fredrickson, George. The Modern Historiography Reader: Western Sources. (London: Routledge, 2009.) 455
[7] Patterson
[8] Ibid
[9] Ibid
Posted at 10:36 AM in A Tale of Two Black Americas, Current Affairs, I'm Just saying... | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hi! How are you?
Have you seen this before?
Oprah had been using it for over a year!
Richard Graves - DJ Black Adam
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Posted at 08:37 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sherri Sheperd... So you claim you as a grown woman woman were manipulated into having a baby and you shouldn't have to pay child support because of that? What male has that argument ever worked for? it's called being an adult and taking responsibility for your choices, that's called equality, so I really don't feel sorry for you having to pay child support for your choice.
Posted at 06:19 PM in I'm Just saying..., SISTERS on BLAST! | Permalink | Comments (0)
Marvel basically is kicking DC’s butt on the big screen and with the 1st season of Daredevil on Netflix, Marvel has passed up everything DC has done on TV with the possible exception of the great work on the Flash. How did we even get to this point?
DC took the lead early with film with the Christopher Reeve’s Superman and Superman II. Then of course the Tim Burton Batman and Batman Returns with Michael Keaton. Marvel struggled with some bad TV movies and some stupid licensing decisions, with the exception of the Wesley Snipes produced “Blade.” Then Spiderman and the X-Men, though not Marvel produced, brought the superhero movie game to a new level. DC did very well with the Christian Bale “Batman” run for the most part, but failed in their Superman revamps, and Man of Steel was mediocre. Now before Superman, Marvel released Iron Man and that changed everything.
DC did this to themselves by not see the writing on the wall Iron Man should have been a wakeup call especially with all the Easter eggs showing that they were going to tie this into a larger Marvel Universe, Marvel simply planned this out entirely too well, unlike allowing Hollywood to basically tamper with these legends and alienate comic fans in many cases they played to the comic fans yet told stories that a person who may not be a comic fan could actually enjoy involving their franchise characters, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and the Hulk. Now DC is playing a game with catch up yet at the same time still trying to hold on to their paradigm of superhero movie making, and to top it off trying to do too much in one movie to catch up for years of miss steps. The saddest part about the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie is apparently the best thing about it is going to be Ben Affleck as Batman. Maybe I'm wrong but I think this film is going to fall short. Also DC being so dedicated to the idea of their Cinematic Universe not mixing with their television universe is also going to hurt them I don't think they have the time to be able to even get to a Justice League dark movie to link multiverses together in some type of crisis fashion, hopefully I am wrong.
Posted at 06:05 PM in Current Affairs, DC and Marvel and other media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Dr. Boyce Watkins wrote an article dealing with Black men and false rape accusations, here is the link.
Apparently, Dr. Watkins has been being attacked by some of my fellow scholars and academics, accusing him of woman bashing, no sympathy for rape victims, etc. So, I read the guys article and here is what I found:
Dr. Watkins redirected and qualified his statements ad nauseum. I do not see why people are giving him grief on this, he is not supporting rapists, he is not generalizing all women in any way he is talking about specific circumstances where men have be and can be falsely accused. I see that some feminist think because this doesn't happen as much as actual rape that it is an issue that should not be addressed or that if addressed the person doing it is somehow accusing all rape victims of lying, which Dr. Watkins is not doing. This is what happens when people cannot look holistically at Black issues and compartmentalize the issues and ignore of have no empathy for others or the issues of others.
In this I am reminded of visiting a church where a holocaust survivor was talking. The person told of us of his family being killed and he being smuggled to Norway then to the United States. It was a story that moved us all, horrible tale of Nazi evil. I spoke with him after the service, as a historian I talked with him about things I had learned about WWII, and the discussion was great, until I told him about the father of a friend of mine who was sent to Siberia by Joseph Stalin. This friend of mine is Polish. Well, this survivor, who is Jewish, had no sympathy for the Poles and therefore no empathy for my friend's dad. Now, let me redirect, in saying that this is in no way saying that all Jewish people feel this way, just this particular person. That's when I started thinking about my own thoughts as an African American, times when I was so into our own struggle I didn't or couldn't empathize with the struggles of others. It was a sobering experience, so now I try to consider to other as often as I can or at least be conscious of the struggles of others who I may not have experienced.
All in all, Dr. Watkins deserves some latitude here.
Posted at 09:12 AM in A Tale of Two Black Americas, Brothas on BLAST!!, Current Affairs, To My Peoples!!! | Permalink | Comments (0)
OK, it appears I have come back to the world of blogging. After banning, deleting or getting deleted by some of my former Face Book friends (some of which who were actual friends in the real world), I have decided to do my sociopolitical postings, as well as my other rants and raves, back where they belong, my blog page.
For those of you who do not know me, let me introduce myself. DJ Black Adam is me: Richard Graves, BS Christian Ministry and Leadership, Master of Art Religion – Biblical Studies, Master of Science History – American History and PhD Candidate. Former US Marine, spent time in the Marine Reserve and Air Force National Guard. I am a writer and composer, and (yes I am aristocratically going there) member of Her Royal Majesty’s African Society and Historical Society.
On my blog you will get my sociopolitical musings, thoughts on religion, music, comic books, and whatever else comes to mine. Feel free to comment, disagree or question, but, have a modicum of respect because I have no problem banning you if you get too froggy.
That being said, glad to met you! Once again its on!
Posted at 08:48 AM in I'm Just saying... | Permalink | Comments (1)
Why Karen Lewis and Bobby Rush need to SIT DOWN and SHUT UP…Two different situations, but similar in how that race is brought up as a distraction instead of dealing with the REAL PROBLEM.
Case 1, Bobby Rush. I respect what the he has done for the African American community over the years; but when Senator Mark Kirk said that a certain Chicago Street Gang needed to be targeted for criminal investigation by the F.B. I., this is something that Bobby took exception to. Saying stuff like: ‘elitist white boy solution.” Now Mr. Rush eventually made peace with Senator Kirk, but what Rush said was ridicules prima facie. Especially with what is going on in Chicago right now, anything that gets these young criminals off the streets of Chicago is better for the young people out there trying to live their lives and do something for themselves. Mr. Rush needs to understand that having a knee jerk reaction to whenever someone White addresses Crime in the Black Community of defaulting to “race” is bottom line ridicules. Which leads me to Karen Lewis….
….Now don’t get me wrong, I understand people are upset about school closings, however; and I won’t begin to assert I know how to fix that problem in Chicago Public Schools, but saying things like: “When will we address the fact that rich white people think they know what’s in the best interest of children of African-Americans and Latinos, no matter what the parents’ income or education level?” Really Karen? I think that the communities you are talking about have more issues more central to the problem than “Rich White People?”
And therein is the common issue, making the false dichotomy between “racism” and the problems that these Communities have to work out for themselves with the help of the greater community regardless of color.
Posted at 08:11 AM in A Tale of Two Black Americas, Avoiding exercises in futility..., Current Affairs, I'm Just saying... | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted at 07:22 AM in A Tale of Two Black Americas, Brothas on BLAST!!, CHRISTIAN RE-EDUCATION 101, Current Affairs, I'm Just saying..., Religion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 10:33 PM in CHRISTIAN RE-EDUCATION 101, Current Affairs, Religion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Author Timothy Kurek wrote a piece for the Huffington Post regarding the “Christian Left” as an answer for the “Christian Right.” I am sure in his opinion they are the antitheses of the Christian Right; yet from my observation they are every bit as bigoted and close minded as they accuse the Right of being.
Fact is; I understand that many well meaning Christians have legitimate problems with how the faith is presented and demonstrated by those in the Christian Right have been doing since the late 60’s; however, the Christian Left is not the answer. The answer for Christians is to be Biblically based in the doctrine and Holy Spirit led in the lifestyles. The Christian Left, a sinister deception, which has pulled in some well meaning Christians, who need to, as some on the RIGHT need to, understand where their politics contradicts what should be fundamental tenants of their professed faith.
The Beginning….
Posted at 10:16 PM in CHRISTIAN RE-EDUCATION 101, Current Affairs, I'm Just saying..., Religion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
President Obama was invited to Morehouse University, a Historically Black College / University to deliver the commencement. What he said is here, from the Wall Street Journal.
Overall, I believe the President delivered a great speech, very relevant. However; the President also spoke to “individual responsibility”, and this rubbed some African Americans and some HBCU Alumni wrong.
I have listened to arguments from both sides, and have read the speech for myself and have come to some conclusions. Do I think the President was “talking down” to African Americans for the benefit of the White people who were listening, proving that he could have tough talk for lazy Black men…absolutely not. In fact, I wonder if the people who were complaining actually read the speech or just excerpts of it? Here is on excerpt that I read that I have heard no one talk about:
“But along with collective responsibilities, we have individual responsibilities. There are some things, as black men, we can only do for ourselves. There are some things, as Morehouse Men, that you are obliged to do for those still left behind. As Morehouse Men, you now wield something even more powerful than the diploma you’re about to collect — and that’s the power of your example.
So what I ask of you today is the same thing I ask of every graduating class I address: Use that power for something larger than yourself. Live up to President Mays’s challenge. Be “sensitive to the wrongs, the sufferings, and the injustices of society.” And be “willing to accept responsibility for correcting (those) ills.”
I know that some of you came to Morehouse from communities where life was about keeping your head down and looking out for yourself. Maybe you feel like you escaped, and now you can take your degree and get that fancy job and the nice house and the nice car — and never look back. And don’t get me wrong — with all those student loans you’ve had to take out, I know you’ve got to earn some money. With doors open to you that your parents and grandparents could not even imagine, no one expects you to take a vow of poverty. But I will say it betrays a poverty of ambition if all you think about is what goods you can buy instead of what good you can do.”
I believe that sums up the purpose of this speech, and needs no defense from me. The President was calling to arms these young Black academics to stand up for the Black community and not just be about themselves.
Bravo to Preisdent Obama, folks whose feelings were hurt, need to get over themselves.
Posted at 09:09 PM in Anime / Manga, CHRISTIAN RE-EDUCATION 101, Music | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Back, by public demand. The DJ Black Adam blog returns: Politics, Religion, Entertainment, World Affairs...and of course COMICS! Join the discussion!
Posted at 08:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
It is true, with wars winding down and a changing way we have to strategically look at the world, it is time for some hard core budget cuts for the US Military. The Obama Administration is doing that, and while I agree with the overall concept, the specifics need to be looked at. HERE IS A LINK TO THE STORY.
One of the main problems I have with what is being said so far is this: "The Army and Marine Corps are going to take the biggest hits," Krepinevich said. Both services grew in size to fight wars in Afghanistan and Iraq." Now while I agree a force reduction for both the ARMY and the MARINE CORPS is necessary, it is my contention that the United States Marine Corps needs to be funded for better equipment as with a smaller Army and Marine Corps, the mission of the Marine Expeditionary Forces will inevitabely be more necessary with the types of enemies we face now and will face in the future.
Cutting personel in the Army and Marines is one way to slash some expenses, but deep cuts need to be done to the Air Force and the Navy. These forces have become entitlement propgrams to defense contractors and they need to spend money smarter; while the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard need an increase in funding to prepare for the more streamlined offensives, rescue missions, police missions, etc. The missions of the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard will only increase if the military overall streamlines.
This is getting pretty stupid. How long will the GOP be held hostage by the radical right? The Senate has come up with a bill that works, in a bi-partisan manner; yet the lunatics in the House of Representatives want "further compromise"? This would be comic theater if it wasn't going to hurt working Americans. The sad part is that these are the same people that held hostage the budget to make sure the wealthiest Americans maintained THEIR "temporary" tax cuts. Does anyone else see this blatant double standard and hypocrisy? Just saying.
Posted at 07:10 AM in Current Affairs, I'm Just saying..., To My Peoples!!! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
We are ending the “pre-season” for the GOP candidates for the presidency, and now the front runners have lined up.
First, let’s say good bye to Herman Cain, yes and early sweetheart for the Tea Party and the GOP. I was beginning to believe he would actually end up becoming the GOP nominee. Why? Because he was (and still is) to perfect front man to hide their often times at the least racial charged criticisms of the President behind. Basically, you can say whatever you want about the Black president if a Black man is the one saying it. He provided great cover, simple as that. And I believe he still will. Was he ever a “good candidate” is my question? What exactly did he bring to the table? I don’t know. Some Tea Partiers and GOP members equate success in business with being a good leader of the United States? I believe treating our government as if it were just a “business” to be run is actually part of the overall problem we have now. BUT, I digress…
Michelle Bachmann, what is left to say? I was amazed that the Tea Party rallied around her in the first place….well I guess I should not have been surprised; this movement was so rabid about getting rid of President Obama I believe they would have supported Sponge Bob as long as he said “Say no to Big Government”! She, like I, is a Christian, and I do have to admit the media on the left gave her hell for some very foundational Christian beliefs, but other than that, she got a lot of criticism that she deserved. Another one of those just say anything right wingers and not THINK about what the real issues this country faces are. She is still in the mix, but I am sure she will be gone soon (thank God).
Jon Huntsman, like Romney I will say that he is unelectable by the evangelical right because he is a Mormon (sorry to be so harsh, but that’s the hard truth). However, I will say this, he is the most reasonable of the candidates and in a normal non Bizarro universe, he should be and would be the front runner.
Ron Paul? Just not gonna happen, and thank God it won’t, I am not a fan of “libertarians” or their ideology.
Mitt Romney? Not much to say here, dude is the Mormon equivalent of Tracy Flick from the 1999 movie “Election”.
Newt Gingrich? When Newt Gingrich is the most credible person in a room, you really have problems. His suggestion that child labor laws should be changed so that 9 year olds can work as Janitors in Elementary schools was a big hit with his base though, which is scary in and of itself. More stupid ideas to come.
Overall, the fact that the International Banking system tanked the economy while a few very Rich People got RICHER seems to elude the whole RIGHT WING. Their solutions? More WELFARE REFORM? Giving 9 years olds Janitorial Jobs in schools? It would be funny if it weren't so inane.
Posted at 09:15 AM in DJ BLACK ADAM'S WEEKLY ROUNDUP | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Again the GOP never ceases to amaze me, of course people will suggest that this statement isn't racist (or part of a White Supremacist sociological worldview) but a statement of "fact". Let's look at this statement: "Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President."
Disingenous at best, tactless, reaching and ridicules in my opinion. Being fair, THIS IS THE LINK TO THE PLEDGE AS IT READS NOW So someone was smart enough to remove that statement, the question is, why was it there in the first place?
The GOP seems to always comment on issues in an African American community that for the most part they do not interact with, so who are they talking too when they are speaking about issues likes this, "affirmative action", "Slavery", "racism", "urban poverty / entitlements". They are not talking to the greater African American community, so I can only assume they are talking too their base, and as such trying to fuel their sensibilites about race not the actual problems that they say they are "outlining" or identifing for the African American community.
Fact is, yes, pre marital sex and children being made out of wedloc is an issue for not just the African American community but the greater American community as well; however, to reference slavery was so over the top it just goes more to the reason that no matter how much I agree with many points of the GOP's platform, I cannot ever in good concisous be a part of the self described "Conservative / Rightwing" groups.
I'm just saying...
Posted at 05:04 PM in Current Affairs, I'm Just saying..., Tips from Zehuti!, To My Peoples!!! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Well, the mastermind behind 9-11 has been killed. Personally, I would have rather to have seen him on trial and executed when found guilty, this is kinda anti-climatic. In any case, I won't lose any sleep with this guy gone, maybe he is in heaven with his virgins...just saying...STORY HERE
Posted at 10:30 PM in I'm Just saying..., To My Peoples!!! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Seriously...what 3 years pass, the RIGHT has been on this, one of their best distraction issues, obviously catering to a crowd that just can't take a Black man as president. I wish they would just come out and admit it, at least I could respect their honesty...just saying....
Posted at 10:30 PM in I'm Just saying..., To My Peoples!!! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
(1/2) Hey everyone, my book is now available on!
Posted at 09:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I love the president, Lord KNOWS I do. BUT, I am a bit concerned about his handling of the situation in Libya (not to mention our continued ignoring of other problems that plague Africa). I know this issue is of importance not because of human rights...just human's rights to have OIL. Libya does not provide much oil, but enough that we care.
Even with that being the primary predicate in our involvement there, seems like we came in late, gave Col. Qaddafi time to fortify his position and get his supporters armed and motivated.
I honestly wish Colin Powell were president now, or at least Secretary of Defense, Secretary Gates and the Obama administration seem way to invested in seeing this through with "Arab Partners" as opposed to stomping a mud-hole in Qaddafi.
Time will tell, hope I am wrong on this one...Just saying...
Posted at 04:56 PM in Avoiding exercises in futility..., Current Affairs, I'm Just saying..., To My Peoples!!! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Spiritual but not religious Uhm.. 3/14/2011 - Richard Graves | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio.
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